Mar 2, 2020

Febrewary Meeting done - March Meat Madness right around the corner

We had a great February meeting. We voted on changes to our bylaws, sampled a couple homebrews, and even had a round of "guess where this went wrong in the brewing process." Butterscotch beer anyone? The brisket contest was too close to call! Mr. Utter wowed with his near perfect traditional brisket, while Mr. Holbrook hit us with tons of hot and sweet flavor. The winners are the people that came out and got to eat that meat! Thank you Nick for hosting, and thank you to all members who came out. 🍻

The next meeting is March 28th, MARCH MEAT MADNESS!!! We'll be judging our pale ale competition, so if you plan on entering you are running out of time (you must be up on dues to enter, and the winner will have their beer brewed by Eccentric Brewing!) The meeting will be at the brewery/MetalEfx, there will be a hot grill for cooking your meat. Bring some beer and what you want to eat. We have booked local band The Dirty Glass so there will be live music. We hope to see you there!!

Don't look at the light!

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