Mar 26, 2019

And the winner is...

From left to right: Nick (3rd), Rob (1st), Sam (2nd)
Thank you to everyone who joined us for March Meat Madness! Great food and beer was enjoyed by all. Congrats to our winners of the Pale Off, pale ale competition!

1st Place: Rob Lee
2nd Place: Sam Jordan
3rd Place: Nick Banks

You guys brewed some awesome beer! And you get to enjoy your new custom tap handles made by Jamie from Eccentric Brewing and MetalEfx. Thank you for designing and contributing these trophies to our competition Jamie, they are great!!

(Special shoutout to our Treasurer Robert, your fajitas were fucking amazing. We'll all be dreaming about your meat for awhile)

a sample of our tasty meat

The kickass tap handles Jamie made for the winners

Rob and Starkey getting ready to enjoy some meat

announcing the winners

intense beer and meat discussion

a head of lettuce sacrificed to the meat gods

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